Parallels Desktop 15 for Mac moves to Metal for DirectX 11 and more | Ars Technica.

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Today, popular virtualization software Parallels Desktop 15 for Mac becomes available to new and current users. Other additions include a handful of new macOS Catalina-related features and improvements to transitions between Mac and Windows software running on the same machine.

When we wrote about Parallels Desktop 14 around this time last year, we asked about Metal parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free. We were told it was coming, and we were not misled: the new version of Parallels Desktop now supports DirectX 9, 10, and 11 via Metal.

Parallels' rep noted to us that "Metal and DirectX work best in Catalina. There's a plethora of additional features both Catalina-related and otherwise—Bluetooth low-energy support, the ability to drag items from Safari or Photos in macOS to your virtual Windows machine, and more—which you can read about on the Parallels website.

But one of the recurring themes we noticed during a presentation of the new software by Parallels was improvements to how Coherence mode works. Coherence facilitates seamless movement between Windows and macOS apps; it essentially puts Windows apps in macOS windows, which includes macOS-like behaviors, a place in the Mac's dock, and so on. Sometimes, this might create confusion parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free users unfamiliar with it, so many small aspects of the transitions and workflow for Coherence have been improved for clarity and efficiency.

Additionally, Parallels Desktop 15 Pro and Business editions now feature a Virtual Platform Trusted Module, which is "a new virtual machine hardware to VM configuration required by Windows to enable additional security features.

This is the first major Parallels release since the acquisition. Last edited by Lars A. Gundersen on Tue Aug 13, am. Last edited by Jerion on Tue Aug 13, am. You must login or create an account to comment. Skip to main content. He covers Apple and display tech, as well as hardware and software for developers and creative professionals. He has been writing about technology for parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free years, and is an AR and game developer for iOS and other platforms. Email samuel.

Chronological Insightful Highest Voted Funniest. Any word on gaming parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free On that note, have they made any comments on future DirectX 12 support? Yeah, they lost me as a customer when they started removing по ссылке on version "upgrades" so they could charge more for "Business" versions. Больше информации and the impossible-to-disable advert popups on a paid app… no thanks.

Sketchy company. Looking at the feature set, this might be the first time in a couple years where the annual upgrade price tag is justified. The way this product tries to force you to parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free every year even though the OS X changes should not impact it is bullshit. I got tired of their shenanigans. Forget that, I've just discovered that Paintshop Pro still exists!

I thought Corel killed that years ago. Glad to hear about this, I was right to hold off on Parallels 14 this long parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free 13 was working fine.

But with Catalina coming, I expected incompatibilities that would finally require an upgrade. Now I can just skip 14 altogether. Parallels Desktop 15 running Windows 7 and Windows 11 you say? I think you have a bigger scoop here than boring old Parallels Desktop 15.

Wrong image title: there is no Windows Static and Noise wrote:. While having full control over the entire graphics stack, starting from the hardware and ending at the top-most API level. That has always been the strategy of Apple: "end to end control". And yes, I'd totally would have loved to see a parallel port of Vulkan on macOS as well. But parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free it ain't so. Not saying Metal for DirectX is not potentially a nice improvement over GL-based version before but honestly I've been watching this app for years and "may bring better graphics performance" is touted nearly every single release.

And every single release we learn the same thing: no, emulating a PC parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free a Mac won't get you anywhere near the same graphics performance as an actual PC with a good GPU inside.

I'm disinclined to believe anything has changed in that respect but we'll see. And for sure if running a real DCC or CAD app with it I wouldn't expect anything other than lackluster performance when using /25133.txt quality viewport settings. No free lunch, etc.

And yes the company is shady. They're the Norton of VM software. Hopefully VMWare, which in years prior was pretty reputable developer with a solid product, has not followed parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free their footsteps. Parallels Desktop 15 Pro and Business editions now feature a Parallels desktop 14 directx 12 free Platform Trusted Module, which is "a new virtual machine hardware to VM configuration required by Windows to enable additional security features.

I'll probably upgrade to this release when Catalina По этому сообщению the bugs and features ironed out and lined up from both Apple and Parallels. It bugs me how they effectively abandon existing users every time they smell an opportunity for a paid upgrade i. I get why they do it, but it just leaves an unpleasant feeling every time I think about them.

I didn't know that Corel sucked нажмите чтобы прочитать больше Parallels. Corel is so awful.

When I'd heard that dx11 would require a metal back-end, due to Apple's OpenGL implementation lacking necessary compute shaders, I wasn't sure that they'd do it. Happy to hear they do. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I understand why they switched to subscriptions for business usersboth from a business as ссылка на подробности as a technical perspective. It is a relatively mature product in terms of features, so they wouldn't have a lot of sustaining income from people buying updates for features.

I know I didn't. On the /27967.txt hand, new host and guest OS versions likely require significant resources to just prevent breakage the desktop software I'm working on does, and it's much less close to the metallet alone develop new features like Metal support. Just because I can. I tested it, and it completely choked on apps that need OpenGL 2.

Wish Apple just released their own KVM-like hypervisor, effectively killing this piece-of-shit money-sucking program. Channel Ars Technica.


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  Hey, Is there a planned release date for the release of DirectX 12 support? The goal is to set proper expectations here. Parallels Desktop - Run Windows on Mac without Rebooting! Easy to Get Started. Instant Download. Try Free Today!    


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